Solar Body : The Secret to Natural Healing

Solar Body : The Secret to Natural Healing
Förlag Best Life Media
Antal sidor252
Vikt550 gr
ISBN 9781935127819
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Experience a powerful, natural way to vibrant health that has transformed millions of people worldwide! A bestselling author and the founder of mind-body practices with phenomenal success, Ilchi Lee, now presents the secret to maintaining your natural healing power at an optimal level. The secret is hot, because it's about raising your body temperature and keeping its perfect energetic balance. In this condition, you let your body's systems work at their best. With the simple visualisation, movements, breathing and observation of the mind that make up Ilchi Lee's Solar Body Method, anyone can enjoy the vibrant health that we all deserve. Like the sun that generates life-giving heat without fail, you can craft your body into a Solar Body that self-charges with limitless energy. Tap into the hot secret to becoming a Solar Body. Get renewed passion and zest for life and a glowing vitality that reaches beyond your physical health.