Secrets Of The Mysterious Valley

Secrets Of The Mysterious Valley
Förlag Adventures Unlimited Press
Antal sidor444
Vikt700 gr
ISBN 9781931882668
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This is a freshly updated work by one of America's top paranormal investigators. It lets you take a fantastic journey through one of the world's most enigmatic locales - the world's largest alpine valley, spanning South/Central Colorado and North Central New Mexico. The San Luis is rife with strange activity, including a large number of documented UFO reports, unusual animal deaths, Native American legends, cryptozoology, and secret military bases. San Luis Valley is also the publicised birthplace of the 'cattle mutilation' mystery. Is hidden, haunted San Luis Valley America's Most Anomalous Region? No other region in North America features the variety and intensity of unusual phenomena, and since 1989, Christopher O'Brien has documented thousands of strange reports.