Quest - a guide for creating your own vision quest

Quest - a guide for creating your own vision quest
Förlag Hay House UK Ltd
Antal sidor224
Vikt342 gr
ISBN 9781848508941
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For centuries, ancient cultures embarked on rites of passage to gain entrance to the spiritual realms and attain self-knowledge. Now international lecturer and healer Denise Linn and Meadow Linn draw on their Native American roots, as well as the teachings of other cultures, to create a carefully crafted spiritual programme for anyone wishing to venture on a retreat or create a uniquely personal Quest of his or her own. This practical, engaging book will show you how to: call for a vision and understand your experience within it; discover the mystery of yourself and the universe; dissolve limitations on your potential; harness the power of the Sacred Circle; confront and free yourself from fears; heal emotional wounds; and, develop peace of mind that extends into your life long after the Quest. This book gives you the necessary tools to prepare for a Vision Quest that will take you to the centre of your soul.