
Förlag Insight Editions
GenreUtländska berättare
Antal sidor20
Vikt853 gr
ISBN 9781683831693
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In a future obsessed with virtual reality and fantasy, two star-crossed lovers will do whatever it takes to bring down the OccupEye system and free cView City from its virtual prison.

iRIS is the perfect marriage of artificial intelligence and virtual reality, serving as the backbone for enhanced-reality contact lenses that provide users with an antidote to reality's many maladies. From pop culture–inspired fantasies to manifestations of their own imagination, users can see the world precisely as they wish. 

Citizens of cView City are fitted with a pair of these ubiquitous lenses at birth as a means of ensuring societal tranquility. But when Aldair—a teenage programming heiress—gets a glimpse of life with her own eyes, the world she once knew will never be the same again.