Batman ruled pocket journal

Batman ruled pocket journal
Förlag Insight Editions
Antal sidor192
Vikt125 gr
ISBN 9781683830429
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Featuring fourteen pages of in-world content and original illustrations before giving way to blank ruled pages, this pocket-size notebook lets readers feel like they’re part of Batman’s world. 

Embroiled in a potentially deadly mission, Batman drops the journal he has been using to jot down notes on the case. That’s where you come in! This ruled notebook features an original storyline and several pages of notes and sketches created by Batman, before giving way to blank ruled pages on which you can jot your own notes. Atmospheric, engrossing, and designed with a dynamic in-universe aesthetic, this notebook will make you feel like you’re a part of Batman’s world.

BATMAN and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics. WB SHIELD: TM & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s17)