End Of Days Hb : Armageddon and Prophecies of the Return

End Of Days Hb : Armageddon and Prophecies of the Return
Förlag Bear & Company
Antal sidor320
Vikt528 gr
ISBN 9781591432005
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Why is it that our current twenty-first century A.D. is so similar to the twenty-first century B.C.? Is history destined to repeat itself? Will biblical prophecies come true and if so, when? In this final volume of the Earth Chronicles Series, a masterwork that required thirty years of additional research, Zecharia Sitchin shows that the End is anchored in the events of the Beginning and once you learn of this Beginning, it is possible to foretell the Future. In an age when religious fanaticism and a clash of civilisations raise the spectre of a nuclear Armageddon, Zecharia Sitchin shatters perceptions and uses history to reveal what is to come at The End of Days.