Little lady liberty - over 20 simple sewing projects for little girls

Little lady liberty - over 20 simple sewing projects for little girls
Förlag David & Charles Ltd
GenreSömnad och handarbete
Antal sidor128
Vikt558 gr
ISBN 9781446304952
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Make little girls' dreams come true with the prettiest sewing projects ever imagined! Sewn in Liberty's timeless classic florals, rainbow hues and delicate prints, this exquisite collection of easy sewing patterns will help you bring joy and colour to any little girl's life. Let her snuggle up in a quilt... twirl and whirl in skirts and dresses... play-fight with pillows... carry her treasures in bags and purses... become best friends with a topsy turvy doll... and pretty up every part of her bedroom with lampshades, curtains, cushions and more. Featuring Liberty Art Fabrics ; the world's most desirable fabrics with a unique heritage dating back over 100 years ; and created by life-long Liberty lover and purveyor of fine fabrics Alice Caroline, this stunning book will wow you with the beauty yet genuine simplicity of the makes.