Tapping the Power Within

Tapping the Power Within
Förlag Hay House UK Ltd
Antal sidor312
Vikt420 gr
ISBN 9781401957216
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The revised and expanded 20th-anniversary edition of Iyanla Vanzant’s first published work offers a powerful path to self-empowerment through the revitalization of one’s spiritual and ancestral roots.

Written with Iyanla’s signature healing stories, this classic guide to uniting the will with the spirit teaches that only you have the power to make a change for the better.

With chapters on basic breathing and meditation techniques, setting up a home altar, connecting with ancestors and guardian spirits, and the extraordinary power of forgiveness, this book is a perfect companion on the way toward the real you.

Known for teaching by principle and example, this exclusive edition also contains Iyanla’s special "What I Know Now" commentaries and an original CD. These tools will challenge you to stop struggling and start recognizing that it is possible to reconcile your humanity with your divinity.

Whether you are a beginner on the path or a veteran in need of refreshment, Iyanla’s prescriptions can support your growth from the comfort of spiritual adolescence to the wisdom of spiritual maturity.

You no longer need to settle for the way things are . . . you can open up to the way things can be—if you dare to tap the power within!