A Field Guide to Fairies and Magical Beings: Understanding, Finding, and Protecting Fae

A Field Guide to Fairies and Magical Beings: Understanding, Finding, and Protecting Fae
Förlag Macmillan Publishers US
GenreAstrologi och esoterika
Vikt454 gr
ISBN 9781250372819
From Welsh and Irish lore to modern-day sightings, this complete reference guide to fae, elves, pixies, changelings, and their magical brethren offers a world of understanding through a romantic and vintage lens. Graced with antique flourishes of art, this believer's manual encourages the reader to deepen their knowledge of mystical creatures and connects them to a long history of fairy enthusiasts. With a practical approach that assumes the existence of winged wonders and encourages the preservation of their habitats, A Field Guide to Fairies and Magical Beings speaks to a generation of environmentally-conscious readers who grew up creating fairy gardens and appeals to those who enjoy the escape of fantasy game worlds, embrace the witchcraft movement, and seek divinity in nature.