Everybody's Vegan Cookbook

Everybody's Vegan Cookbook
Förlag Integral Yoga Publications
GenreMat och dryck
Antal sidor256
Vikt700 gr
ISBN 9780932040503
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The philosophy of thinking eating and living that underlies this book can be described as dynamic harmlessness. It is an attempt to be always aware of the consequences of one's actions and to make choices that enhance well-being or at the least minimise detrimental impact - for oneself other people other creatures and all life. EVERYBODY'S VEGAN COOKBOOK will not only lift its users to more harmonious balance for ecological systems. We are confident that your culinary enjoyment will soar your life style will be invigorated and a gentler co-existence with all life with flourish. Using these popular nutrition recipes developed over the last twenty years you can begin to attain these timeless and treasured goals. It will take no extra time and you'll be amazed how wonderful it tastes. A whole-food animal-free diet will subtract unwanted pounds and inches from your body reduce the risk of life-threatening diseases associated with eating unhealthy foods add happier years to your life and contribute to restoring the natural environment.