Feng Shui Kit: Chinese Way To Health, Wealth & Happiness (Wi

Feng Shui Kit: Chinese Way To Health, Wealth & Happiness (Wi
Förlag New Leaf Distributing Company/Lotus Light Enterprises Inc
Antal sidor112
Vikt531 gr
ISBN 9780804830478
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The Feng Shui Kit contains everything you need to benefit from this fascinating art. Find out how the flow of life-giving energy, or ch'i in and around your home and workplace could be affecting your health, wealth and personal happiness. Use the specially designed feng shui compass and ruler to discover your lucky and unlucky directions, forces and colors for every situation. And the pa kua mirror provided will deflect malign forces and spirits. The book contains full instructions and draws upon the wisdom of one of the few fully qualified feng shui masters living in the west, Man-Ho Kwok. Whether it is rearranging a bed or desk, or deciding upon the location of your new home, The Feng Shui Kit will help you feel in complete harmony with your surroundings.