
Förlag Chartwell Books
GenreUtländska berättare
Antal sidor192
ISBN 9780785837411
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Vampires explores the diverse myths and legends and their impact upon popular culture and the possible explanations behind such phenomena. Part of the Oxford People series, the book, also, investigates the lives of real-life individuals who have dedicated themselves to the pursuit of blood, drawing on the vampiric tradition for their inspiration. Vampire legends go back centuries, taking root in the Gothic forests of Transylvania. Over time, the vampire has transformed from a vile re-animated corpse, bloated with blood, into a charming immortal that is cursed to live outside of society. From Count Dracula to Edward Cullen, for centuries we have been enthralled by the mysterious legends in horror fiction that surround these dangerous creatures. Vampires rarely have been more popular than they are today, although the Victorians could certainly give us a run for our money. Pale-skinned, dark-cloaked, garlic-hating - the folklore is crawling with memorable images that share one thing in common: their lust for blood. This book examines the vampire myth from all angles: from its genesis in folklore, to offshoots of blood-thirsty creatures and eventually to its status today as one of the most iconic figures in popular culture. We will try to find out how this strange creature, who came into being centuries ago, transformed through gothic imagination from a hideous monster into a suave villain. This book creates a beautiful addition to anyone interested in the paranormal and a great gift for gothic readers.