32nd ss-freiwilligen-grenadier-division - "30.januar"

32nd ss-freiwilligen-grenadier-division -
Förlag Schiffer Publishing Ltd
GenreHistoria och arkeologi
Antal sidor128
ISBN 9780764331015
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The SS Division “30. Januar” was one of the last SS-Divisions formed during World War II and was almost entirely composed of training units and 16-18 year old boys (the honorary name “30. Januar” was the same date Hitler became Reich chancellor in 1933). First planned as a motorized division, the unit ended up as a normal infantry division because of a lack of fuel. With a final strength of 12,000, they fought on the Oder-front south of Frankfurt/Oder. After the Soviet attack on 16 April 1945 they were wiped out in the pocket of Halbe southeast of Berlin.