Andy Warhol Soup Can Red Violet 300 Piece Puzzle

Andy Warhol Soup Can Red Violet 300 Piece Puzzle
Förlag MacMillan Ltd NON Books
Vikt350 gr
ISBN 9780735353886
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Mudpuppy's Andy Warhol Soup Can Blue/Violet 300-Piece Puzzle is for puzzlers and Warhol fans of all ages. The jigsaw pieces are made of 90% recycled paper and come packaged in a sturdy stackable canister that measures 5" (13 cm) in diameter by 6" (15 cm) high made of 70% recycled paper. Tomato was the first of Andy Warhol's iconic Pop Art Campbell 's soup can paintings.
- Size: 5.5 x 4.25 x 4.25"