The World of Peter Rabbit: A Box of Postcards

The World of Peter Rabbit: A Box of Postcards
Förlag Penguin Books Ltd.
GenreFacklitteratur barn och ungdom
Antal sidor100
Vikt720 gr
ISBN 9780723267331
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One hundred beautiful postcards from the world of Beatrix Potter To celebrate the 150th anniversary of Beatrix Potter's birth in 2016, this delightful collection of one hundred postcards features her beautiful and iconic illustrations. From book covers to picture letters and watercolours to sketches - this exquisite gift box showcases the best of Beatrix Potter's unique talent. The postcards include rarely seen sketches by Beatrix and artwork from her 23 tales. Perfect for sending, framing or simply adding to your Beatrix Potter collection. A wonderful souvenir of the Beatrix Potter 150th anniversary year.