Lost In Suburbia: A Momoir

Lost In Suburbia: A Momoir
Förlag TarcherPerigee
GenreMemoarer och biografier
Antal sidor272
Vikt222 gr
ISBN 9780399159930
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Based on the author's nationally syndicated column, an hilarious memoir about trading a cool Manhattan existence for life as a stay-at-home mom in the New Jersey ‘burbs. It’s a suburban jungle out there When syndicated columnist Tracy Beckerman trades in her TV job and cool Manhattan existence for the New Jersey suburbs, she doesn’t expect to trade in her entire identity. But her new life as a stay-at-home mum knocks her for a loop in more ways than one. From the embarrassment of being given a speeding ticket while driving in her dressing gown to the challenge of making friends in the land of big hair and minivans, Beckerman shares her struggles with self-deprecating humor as she endeavours to reclaim her cool. Beckerman reveals the universal trials, tribulations and triumphs of every mum who has to figure out how to stay sane while fishing Barbie heads out of the toilet; how to laugh when your kid asks the fat cop at the doughnut shop if he’s having a baby; and how to look good when your post-baby bum is so big you want to hang a “Caution: Wide Load” sign behind you. At once irreverent, hilarious and keenly observed, LOST IN SUBURBIA is about what you give up to become a mother—and what you get back.