How to Raise the Perfect Dog

How to Raise the Perfect Dog
Förlag Hodder & Stoughton
Antal sidor303
Vikt241 gr
ISBN 9780340993071
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For the millions of people every year who consider bringing a puppy into their lives -- as well as those who have already brought a dog home.Based on Cesar's own detailed experiences raising individual puppies from some of the most popular breeds, How to Raise the Perfect Dog is like having Cesar right beside you, as your own personal expert, coaching you and your dog from the first day of your life together.HOW TO RAISE THE PERFECT DOG INCLUDES:/ what to expect from each stage of your puppy's development/ quick and easy housebreaking/ the essentials of proper nutrition/ the importance of vaccinating -- and of not over-vaccinating/ creating perfect obedience from day one through rules, boundaries, and calm-assertive leadership/ how to avoid the most common mistakes owners' make raising puppies and young dogs/ how to correct any issue before it becomes a problem