The Clocks

The Clocks
Serie POIROT (1)
Förlag Harper Collins UK
GenreDeckare, thrillers och spänning
Antal sidor320
Vikt230 gr
ISBN 9780008129590
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A typist uncovers a man's body from behind the sofa...

As instructed, stenographer Sheila Webb let herself into the house at 19 Wilbraham Crescent. It was then that she made a grisly discovery: the body of a dead man sprawled across the living room floor.

What intrigued Poirot about the case was the time factor. Although in a state of shock, Sheila clearly remembered having heard a cuckoo clock strike three o'clock. Yet, the four other clocks in the living room all showed the time as 4.13. Even more strangely, only one of these clocks belonged to the owner of the house...